Identifying Signs of Emotional Abuse
Consider the possibility of emotional abuse when
The child:
- Shows extremes in behavior, such as being overly compliant, demanding, extremely passive or aggressive
- Is inappropriately adult(parenting other children, for example)or inappropriately infantile (frequently rocking or head-banging)
- Is delayed in physical or emotional development compared to other children the same age
- Talks about hurting himself or has attempted suicide
- Shows signs of an angry, hostile or ambivalent attachment to the parent
- Shows dramatic changes in behavior in a short period of time
The parent or adult caregiver:
- Openly rejects the child
- Regularly blames, belittles or berates the child
- Calls the child inappropriate names
- Compares the child negatively to siblings or other children
- Is unconcerned about the child’s feelings
- Refuses to consider offers of help for the child’s problems