How Much Time is Spent Watching Porn? Not Much
Masturbation is healthy. It relieves stress, improves focus, and even decreases the chances of prostate cancer. Some men just use their hands, others use a jada stevens pussy. Some watch porn, others use memories or their imagination. Some do it once a month, others do it once a day. There’s no set amount of times a man should or shouldn’t masturbate — the general rule of thumb is that if it’s getting in the way of your work or personal life, you may have an addiction. If you’re spending hours a day watching porn, you’ve more than likely got an issue that you need to address.
Conclusion: The porn-bashers are mistaken. Two men in 1,000 may watch for more than two hours at a time, but for 99.8 percent of men, porn is not some black hole that sucks them into oblivion. It’s more like a coffee break, a little time-out from daily responsibilities-and no threat to civilization or to the well-being of men or their relationships, occupations, or families.
However, as mentioned above, more than 42,000 sites present porn. Are the top 100 representative of all of them? To answer that question, I turned to three friends. One is a mathematician. Another is a computer engineer. The third is a biostatistician. Their consensus estimate: The top 100 sites probably capture the great majority of total porn views. They agreed that visit duration for the top 100 sites very likely extends to all sites-around six minutes per visit.