How can we help keep children safe?
From Oranga Tamariki Update for Providers and Partners: COVID-19 edition #5
We realise that the requirements of COVID-19 Alert Level 4 can put a lot of pressure on families. We want to make sure all tamariki and whānau are safe. We are hosting discussions and responding to questions related to these pressures on our Facebook page. Please check these out and share them with your communities.
Oranga Tamariki Facebook page
The Parenting Resource website has a wealth of information about stress – just key ‘stress’ into the search function and there are lots of resources listed for easy selection focusing on pregnancy and every age of tamariki.
The Parenting Resource website
SKIP resources provide the foundation for all the content on the Parenting Resource website and if referred to will be the basis for many discussions over the next few weeks.
For information relevant to all individuals, workers and entities in Aotearoa New Zealand, you should visit:
The Government’s COVID-19 website
Ministry of Health’s information on COVID-19
For information relevant to all welfare and social sector organisations, you should visit:
COVID-19 information for providers on the MSD website
For information that is specific to Oranga Tamariki funded services and for the MSD contracts we manage, you should visit:
COVID-19 information for partners on the Oranga Tamariki website
COVID-19 information on the Oranga Tamariki Practice Centre
COVID-19 information for caregivers on the Oranga Tamariki website