Global Warming Threatens Mental Health: Climate Change May Increase Incidence Of PTSD And Depression

Global Warming Threatens Mental Health: Climate Change May Increase Incidence Of PTSD And Depression

Shared from Google News & Weather

Climate change and its effects on mental health are now being studied by health experts. Mental health problems associated with climate change range from minimal stress to more serious conditions such as anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, and PTSD. If you seriously are suffering from mental health issues due to global warming, there are many treatments you can access. Tablets, therapy and even medical marijuana from places like are all great options for you to start on the road to recovery.

“Other consequences include effects on the everyday life, perceptions, and experiences of individuals and communities attempting to understand and respond appropriately to climate change and its implications,” one area in the assessment said.

With increasing occurrences of disastrous natural events like hurricanes, floods and drought, the stress levels and trauma of people who experienced these events first hand could also increase.

“People with mental illness and those using medications to treat a variety of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events and extreme heat,” the White House press release said.

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