Female sex offenders: dirty little secret

Female sex offenders: dirty little secret

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A woman who let her elderly neighbour sexually assault her daughter for money and cigarettes has been ordered to undergo supervised care and rehabilitation.

The mother, who cannot be named to prevent identification of her daughter, appeared at the High Court at Auckland on Wednesday for a final disposition hearing after being diagnosed with an intellectual disability.

Disposition options are available to the courts when dealing with defendants deemed mentally impaired and who therefore cannot instruct lawyers for a suitable defence.

In those cases, a judge can make an order directing defendants be detained in hospital, undergo supervised or secure care, or simply be released back into the community.

On Wednesday Justice Graham Lang ordered the woman undergo a year’s supervision in a 24-hour care facility.

He referred to the woman’s reliance on her family for most of her needs.

She was in a coma for a “considerable period” as a child after being involved in a car accident.

“She never returned to school after the accident, and has never learned to read or write,” Justice Lang said in his judgment.

Subsequent testing revealed she had a low IQ and “perceptual abnormalities” that meant the woman had no recognition of her own difficulties.

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