Debunking rape myths

Amy Schumer stopped by “The Howard Stern Show” not only to promote her new book, but to also let the public know that sexual assault comes in all forms.

In the midst of her press tour for her book “The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo,” the comedienne stepped away from her humorous persona and got candid with Howard Stern regarding the sexual abuse she faced at the hands of her former boyfriends.

“I’m trying to speak out,” said Schumer. “I think it is important to talk about because it’s made me feel less alone when other women have come forward about being sexually assaulted.”

Schumer discussed being raped by her boyfriend at the time, who began having sex with her while she was asleep on the couch. She noted that many people doubted her allegations against the assault.

“It’s not this ‘perfect rape,’” Schumer continued. “People, they want you to have been raped perfectly, and they want you to be a perfect victim. People hear me say that and they go, ‘no, she’s like a slut’ and ‘I bet she knew’ — like, right away, you start doubting. We’re so critical and it makes victims really not wanna speak up, and so I think it’s me saying, ‘look, I didn’t have a perfect rape.’”

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