CTV: Challenge the silence

WARNING: This video series has graphic descriptions of rape, sexual violation, substance abuse and discusses suicide and self-harm. It is recommended for adult audiences only.

Terry, 65, is in a small garage out the back of the Canterbury Mens’ Centre. He is tall but slightly hunched. His face is careworn, and he never seems to stop moving. He rattles off his physical and mental ailments.
Terry is the fourth out of 11 people who will sit in the garage to share their stories of sexual abuse as part of CTV’s video series Challenge the Silence. They are stories of boarding school brutality. Of sexual violation by a priest. Of rape committed by people known to them. By strangers. By neighbours.

The men are telling their stories because they do not want other victims to suffer in silence, to feel like they are the only one this has happened to. They want them to know there is help.

Terry begins by listing the milestones of his first sexual assault at age 6, his first rape later that same year and his first beating.


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