Children under nine at greatest risk of dog bites

99,003 dog bites were reported to ACC between 2004 and 2014, with 5842 cases requiring hospitalization – an average of two a day. Over a third of those hospitalized were children, usually with facial injuries. With this being said, it then comes as no surprise to find that some people would want to use the services that a professional lawyer has to offer, as they can help with representation for your case and hopefully help you get the compensation you deserve.

This can be quite a traumatizing incident for anyone to go through, especially a child. With this being said, it then comes as no surprise when parents opt to use the services specialist personal injury lawyers like Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC have to offer, in the hopes of making this process a lot easier to deal with and help injured victims take the right steps in getting the compensation they deserve.

The annual bite rate had risen steadily from 10.5 people per 100,000 people in 2004 to 14.3 per 100,000 in 2014.

Children under nine years old were at the highest risk, particularly Maori and those living in low socioeconomic areas.

Injury analysis showed that children were much more likely to be bitten on the face or neck. More than three quarters (79 percent) of reported bites to 0 – 4-year-olds were to the head or neck, compared to just 8 percent of bites to 20 – 59-year-olds. If you’ve been bitten by a dog and it wasn’t your fault, do you realize that you could file a claim and get compensation for it? You could check out a law firm like the Nehora Law Firm to give you some idea of what you could get.

Plastic surgeon Dr Zachary Moavenia, who authored the study along with medical student Jonny Mair, told Sunday the findings angered him.

“Our most innocent members of society, our children, are suffering horrible, unimaginable terror,” he said.

“It’s our job to protect our babies, our children, and I think we’re failing.”

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