Blocked emotions often show up as anxiety or unexplained symptoms.

Blocked emotions often show up as anxiety or unexplained symptoms.

The good news, says Dr. Abbass, is that studies have shown that intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy reduces both medical and hospital costs dramatically. Treatment, consisting of an average of seven talk sessions with a psychotherapist, costs about $500, but results in a $12,700 reduction in hospital costs and doctors’ visits, he says. After treatment, 80…

OCD is far from just a personality quirk

OCD is far from just a personality quirk

Busting the myths about #OCD with the SANE Help Centre. #mentalhealth #mentalillness #Mythbuster — SANE Australia (@SANEAustralia) February 22, 2017 While obsessions and compulsions about orderliness and cleanliness are common in OCD, there are many other ways people can experience OCD, and the reason is more consequential than just liking things neat and tidy….

Recruitment stand-down periods for employers who breach employment law

Recruitment stand-down periods for employers who breach employment law

We welcome the Governments new migrant worker recruitment stand-down periods for employers who breach employment law – NZ Human Rights (@NZHumanRights) February 22, 2017 The Humans Rights Commission has today welcomed the Government’s introduction of migrant worker recruitment stand-down periods for employers who breach immigration and employment law. While this may be altered…

I am sick of being sick and hurting others!

I am sick of being sick and hurting others!!.htm I am sick of feeling stuck with no way out! The catalyst for change came when I saw my excessive drinking, abusive behavior, infidelity, lack of motivation and depression for what it is – unfinished business. I sabotaged my marriage. I blamed other people for my inappropriate behavior. And all the time, it was…

Childhood Adversity Linked to Bipolar Disorder

Childhood Adversity Linked to Bipolar Disorder A new U.K. review of more than 30 years of research on bipolar disorder found that people with the condition are more than twice as likely to have suffered emotional, physical, or sexual abuse as children than the general population. University of Manchester researchers identified 19 studies from hundreds published between 1980 and 2014…

Family First: NZ is turning a ‘blind eye’ to polygamous marriages

Family First: NZ is turning a ‘blind eye’ to polygamous marriages

Family First NZ is concerned that the government may be turning a ‘blind eye’ to polygamous marriages in New Zealand when assessing entitlements to welfare support. The issue has come to light with a recent serious domestic violence case where the offender is legally married to the victim, with whom he has three New Zealand-born…