Adolescents and young men in the phase of emerging adulthood need their parents’ permission, particularly their fathers’, to support or “sponsor” their strivings — especially their creative strivings. At the same time, the young person needs to retain a positive relationship with the father. In this TV series, the fatherContinue Reading

photo of women sitting on rocks near sea

Parenting is one of life’s greatest joys, right? Not for everyone.  A quarter of adults don’t want children — and they’re still happy — ScienceDaily “After controlling for demographic characteristics, we found no differences in life satisfaction and limited differences in personality traits between child-free individuals and parents, not-yet-parents, orContinue Reading

We all have the innate ability to be a narcissist. Histrionic Narcissists: Sex, Lies, and Manipulation | Psychology Today A narcissist cheats because they feel they can, they deserve it, or they need something done for them in return. In contrast, a histrionic will engage in cheating to fulfill aContinue Reading

Sexual activity can become problematic behavior if it interferes with a person’s ability to keep promises, violates personal values, feels beyond personal control, or continues despite negative consequences. Like shopping and sex, video games have become an activity that people use to manage distress or cope with the rest ofContinue Reading

Unlike service animals, emotional support animals need no formal training or certification. Yet they are still formally recognized by healthcare professionals as therapeutically necessary for people with certain conditions, like anxiety, depresion, or addiction, that qualify as disabilities under the Fair Housing Act. “This study shows there is a place forContinue Reading

A central issue in managing adult ADHD is navigating transitions. Throughout a day, most of us switch roles or steer between different sorts of tasks. In many cases, these switches occur within a single domain, such as different work duties or homework assignments. In other cases, there may be domain switches, suchContinue Reading

When your narcissist is a romantic partner, you may have experienced the “love bombing” stage—that totally over-the-top romantic start of the relationship when you were bombarded with small and big gestures of love. This might include messages about being “soulmates,” that they were “waiting for you all my life” orContinue Reading