A Macro Social Work Approach to Trauma-Informed Practices & Policies https://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/practice/preventing-retraumatization-a-macro-social-work-approach-to-trauma-informed-practices-policies/ Secondary traumatic stress can follow exposure to another’s experience of trauma, resulting in emotional distress and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is as if we take in a portion of the trauma that the other has survived.Continue Reading

https://blogs.psychcentral.com/caregivers/2015/06/7-ways-to-avoid-re-traumatizing-a-trauma-victim/ 1 Do not force the person to talk about the trauma:  Forcing someone to talk about a terrible event is making someone re-live the experience and all of the negative emotions that come with it. Some people just aren’t ready to open that box of worms. The person pressuringContinue Reading

What is sexual harassment? | Abuse and violence | ReachOut Australia Sexual harassment can include someone: touching, grabbing or making other physical contact with you without your consent making comments to you that have a sexual meaning asking you for sex or sexual favours leering and staring at you displayingContinue Reading

Guilt and Shame Resulting from Sexual Abuse (angelfire.com) Sexual abuse can be a very traumatic and painful experience. Shame and guilt are emotions that most commonly result from any form of sexual abuse. Loss of self respect, low self-esteem, intense sense of betrayal, powerlessness, rage and anger at self andContinue Reading

Childhood sexual abuse of boys often leads to relationship breakdowns in later life with a difficulty forming new stable relationships. Researchers Find Increased Sexual Risks In Adults Over 45 | Psychology Today Negative consequences, stemming from sexual activity, due to stigma, socioeconomic disadvantages, and lack of sexual resources, are notContinue Reading

Are You Being Gaslighted By a Narcissist? | Psychology Today Your gaslighter may have personality traits, or a personality disorder, which is not narcissism but which stems from a point of past trauma and fear. For instance, if your partner has abandonment issues, they may find all kinds of manipulative ways of making you stayContinue Reading

Storm waves - sadness

Suicidal behavior and associated factors in sexually abused adolescents – ScienceDirect It has been found that in cases exposed to sexual abuse, suicidal ideation developed in 63.2% (n = 67) of the individuals and 24.5% (n = 26) of them attempted suicide. The rate of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts was higher in casesContinue Reading

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201119124628.htm Time alone is reflected in people’s thoughts as an opportunity to think about past experiences and future plans, to relax from the stress of social interactions, and to engage in self-selected leisure activities. “Being alone and being with others are represented in people’s minds as qualitatively different experiences, eachContinue Reading

Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has increased during the COVID-19 crisis, in both online and offline worlds. Yet its identification through the child protection system remains minimal, despite continuing growth in police reports of sexual crimes against children. Why is this? And can it be changed? As one English support charityContinue Reading

Peer to Peer Support

https://bdaily.co.uk/articles/2020/11/17/business-owners-relied-on-peer-to-peer-support-during-covid-19-lockdown-research-finds Kevin Brent, founder and managing director of BizSmart, explained: “According to research peer-to-peer business support enables businesses to advance growth by two to three times their normal levels. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that 90% of business owners have found peer-to-peer support instrumental during the COVID-19 pandemic, andContinue Reading