Help Auckland 0800 623 1700 Research points to a child’s home environment as a key factor in recovery. Early intervention of specialist services can make the difference between a family that is able to develop an emotionally safe home environment that both heals and prevents future abuse, versus a family that leavesContinue Reading

The Ministry is leading the funding and development of services to support male survivors of sexual abuse and their support networks. Twelve percent of men in Aotearoa New Zealand experience one or more incidents of sexual violence  What is known about effective recovery services for male survivors of sexual abuse?Continue Reading

Dr Jury said reading endless comments online praising abusive people or hearing co-workers singing abusive celebrity’s praises can be confusing and distressing for victims. For survivors of sexual or domestic violence the accolades can feel like “a total obliteration of their victimisation”, according to Women’s Refuge CEO Dr AngContinue Reading

Lack of predictabilityFeeling that you don’t have enough information to make accurate predictions can cause your anxiety to rise. One way to counteract the lack of predictability is to get more information. For example, if you’re experiencing fear of the unknown related to a new school or neighborhood, you mightContinue Reading

There are fascinating psychological phenomena observable in many parking lots. In countries or cities with high levels of congestion, quiet carparks are symbolic of rural or suburban bliss, and therefore finding an empty parking space (or, at best, one without spaces around) is an interesting sport. It is also aContinue Reading

stressed black man sitting on couch

lonely individuals had a 26% higher risk of dying. This figure rose to 32% if they lived alone. Healthcare tech entrepreneur Will Wright shares the strong impact that loneliness has on our health, and proposes a novel idea for how we can easily connect with others and combat itsContinue Reading