“Calm” Campaign Against Living Miserably


Feeling friendless is common among men, research by the Movember Foundation has found.

Stoicism and isolation make lonely mates of too many men.

New research by the Movember Foundation reveals that a devastating number of men feel friendless.

The survey found that more than two and a half million British men have no close friends.

Being married or middle-aged significantly increases the likelihood that men have no one (apart from their partner, if they are married) they feel they can turn to in a crisis.

These sad statistics reflect skyrocketing suicide rates among men.

In the 1960s, about double the number of men to women died from suicide. Now, about triple the number of men die from suicide in Australia each year.

This is consistent with trends observed in other Western countries, according to Mindframe.

Other new research by British charity “Calm” (Campaign Against Living Miserably) has found that more than four in 10 men have thought about taking their own lives at some point.

It seems that a culture of stoicism in men and difficulty reaching out and making connections to other people is at least partly to blame for the problem.

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