Bullying in adolescence and depression in young adulthood
Nearly one-third of young adults suffer depression because they were bullied as teenagers, a study by Oxford University has found. This is a shockingly high number of people to experience depression due to bullying. Depression is not easily treatable, and no two people will react the same way to treatments. Some prefer talking therapy or counselling and others prefer medication. Depression is also said to be helped by some strains of cannabis that are uplifting and invigorate the mind. This is similar to anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, cramps and mood swings. Click here for more information on cannabis and the positive impact it can have upon mental health. Not only this, but the use of magic mushrooms or products containing psilocybin has also been proved to have a positive effect on mental health. Microdosing the products found at www.mushroomz.ca/ could help to alleviate all symptoms of depression. Furthermore exercise such as yoga is practised to help ease the impact of depression and a healthy diet is followed by many. These are all practices that have helped sufferers of depression in the past and present, and in the future. However, ultimately if nothing is working for you, you should visit your GP about your mental health. Depression should not alter your quality of life.
Research followed early 4,000 youngsters from the age of 13 to 18 to examine the long-term effects of bullying.
They found that one-third of the group who suffered depression in adulthood had been bullied when they were younger, suggesting that the impact had lingered for many years.
“We found evidence for an association between victimization by peers in adolescence and depression in young adulthood.” said Dr. Lucy Bowes at the University of Oxford