Big re-think of how ACC dealt with clients.
The public issues Chair for the NZ Association of Psychotherapists, Kyle MacDonald, worked with sensitive claims clients and helped advise ACC on the changes.
He said the new system was much more sympathetic to a survivor’s needs.
“I think that ACC have engaged really willingly in the process of recognising that actually the system wasn’t working and that they needed to fix it,” he said. “they have essentially redesigned a services which looks to address a lot of the concerns raised [in 2012].”
ACC Minister Nikki Kaye, said the old system was not working, and she wanted people to know it had changed.
“There’s a lot of work to do, both around how do we prevent these things from happening, but then how do we make sure people are cared for right throughout government,” she said.
The Minister said the changes were just the start of a much bigger process, which she hoped would provide better care for survivors and help prevent the violence from happening.