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MSA Risk Management Policy
Risk managementis the process of establishing stakeholder confidence that the organisation’s culture, policies, procedures, systems and practices enable and support the effective management of risk to reduce uncertainty, exploit opportunities to enhance service quality, and provide reasonable assurancethat the organisation’s goals and objectives will be met.
Confidentiality Policy
Better Blokes has adopted the Male Survivors Aotearoa Confidentilaity Policy. The purpose of the Policy is to ensure that any personal information relating to peer-workers and the male survivors they support or MSA trustees or advisors, which is private and not public knowledge or information that an individual has not consented to and/or would not…
‘Documenting Science’ series (1938-58) by photographer Berenice Abbott
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Sikh priest Sajan Singh sentenced to home detention for child molestation
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Grandiose narcissism can increase mental toughness
Science Daily A key finding of the research was that grandiose narcissism can increase mental toughness and this can help to offset symptoms of depression. It also found that people who score high on grandiose narcissism have lower levels of perceived stress and are therefore less likely to view their life as stressful. The research…