BBC – Male Rape: Breaking the Silence
The 2013/14 Crime Survey for England and Wales estimates that there were approximately 116,000 male victims of any sexual assault in the last year[1]; while the survey also estimates that there are approximately 9,000 male victims of rape (including attempts) each year[2]. Police-recorded figures show fewer than 3,600 incidents of rape or sexual assault of a male were recorded by the police in 2014[3], approx. 1000 of which were incidents of rape of a male aged 16 or over[4], . NSPCC July 2014 puts the total no of adult child abuse survivors in UK at 9,346,083[5]
There is little specialist support available to these men (only 4 male dedicated services nationally) and this support is concentrated in a few large urban centres. These digital services will provide the first national opportunity for these men, and those who care for them, to receive information and free emotional support in the home or other safe environment.