Auditor-General calls for “Significant improvements” of FVSV Joint Venture
The Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) undertook an early performance audit of the Joint Venture to inform its development and to identify learnings for future similar arrangements. In his overview and introduction to the report, Controller and Auditor-General John Ryan agreed with feedback that the Joint Venture was not yet operating as effectively as it needed to, commenting that “”
Auditor-General calls for “Significant improvements” of Joint Venture | New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (
The audit focused on how the Joint Venture was set up, how well it is operating and its effectiveness. The audit involved reviewing documents, 45 interviews with Joint Venture staff and conversations with representatives from the interim Te Rōpū, and NGOs in the family violence and sexual violence sectors. While the OAG did not run a formal public consultation, interested individuals and agencies could contact the OAG to offer feedback related to the audit.