Arthur Allan Thomas: pleads not guilty to four historical charges of indecent assault

Arthur Allan Thomas was awarded almost $1 million compensation after being wrongfully convicted for the Crewe murders, but his lawyer says that money “that was his curse”.

In her closing address to the jurors at the Manukau District Court on Wednesday, Thomas’ lawyer Marie Dyhrberg QC said two women made false complaints of historical sexual abuse against her client and were motivated by getting at Thomas’ compensation.

“The motive is so strong it’s pulled four people together – two wives and two husbands – to come to this courtroom and seriously mislead you, and you ask the question why… Because they wanted the money and wanted compensation.”

Thomas, now aged 83, is on trial at the Manukau District Court where he has pleaded not guilty to four historical charges of indecent assault and one of rape.

Arthur Allan Thomas: Defence in sexual abuse trial says complainants were ‘fixated’ on money |

“It is far-fetched in the extreme that two women would come along and commit perjury.”

Arthur Allan Thomas: Defence in sexual abuse trial says complainants were ‘fixated’ on money |

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