@AreYouThatSome1 Are You That Some1

26 June 2014
A new campaign encourages young people to step in safely when they see sexual assault or behaviour that might lead to sexual assault.

The Are You That Someone campaign is aimed at young people aged 16 to 21 and has been funded by the Ministry of Social Development.

Four posters show different scenarios where young people could intervene when they see their friends being pressured for sex, groped, isolated or taken advantage of.

The posters have been distributed across New Zealand and are supported by a social media campaign promoting discussion among young people about what’s OK, what’s not and what they can do about it.

The campaign was launched by Minister of Social Development Paula Bennett.

The Minister says she hopes the Are You That Someone campaign will encourage young people to identify signs that someone may be at risk of sexual violence, and will help them intervene.

“That means, for example, recognising when someone’s too wasted to give consent to sex and speaking up on their behalf. It means checking in with your mates to see if they’re OK with the attention they’re getting.

“This is about sexual violence that unfortunately happens in this country on a far too regular basis,” Ms Bennett said.

“It was happening in the 1980s when I was a teenager as well.”

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#areyouthatsome1Posters can be ordered from some1@msd.govt.nz

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