Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse – Background

The Ministry is leading the funding and development of services to support male survivors of sexual abuse and their support networks.

Twelve percent of men in Aotearoa New Zealand experience one or more incidents of sexual violence 

What is known about effective recovery services for male survivors of sexual abuse? – Ministry of Social Development (

Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

The aim is to provide services for male survivors of sexual abuse (MSSA) that are:

  • accessible and more readily available
  • responsive, evidence-based and in accordance with good practice
  • delivered by an appropriately skilled workforce
  • part of the wider service system responding to sexual violence
  • able to support survivors.

In 2015, the Social Services Committee and the Law Commission identified that victims/survivors and perpetrators of sexual violence were not receiving the services that they need, because:

there was insufficient investment,  and services were poorly co-ordinated, without visibility of specific service needs and populations.

This was partially addressed in Budget 2014, when $10.4 million (over two years) was allocated to stabilise the sexual violence services sector. The stabilization funding ended on 30 June 2016.

In Budget 2016, $46m was allocated (over four years) for on-going stabilisation and an increase in sexual violence services, with MSSA services funding ending 30 June 2019.

Since 2017, the Ministry of Social Development has worked closely with the MSSA sector on several initiatives such as a results measurement framework and outcome measures.

Information gathered through workshops was used to inform the development of Service Guidelines for the Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse service.