Although acknowledging that “a focus on female perpetration might be sceptically viewed as an attempt to upend a women’s rights agenda focused on male perpetration”, it adds: “Attention to female perpetration need not negate concern[s] about other forms of abuse.” The report found that women and men reported a nearlyContinue Reading While children may not disclose sexual abuse, they may show possible indicators. This might include one or more of the following: significant changes in behaviour (such as reverting to soiling or bed wetting, a decline in school performance) sexual behaviour or knowledge about sex that is beyond the child’s ageContinue Reading That abuse infiltrated every part of Giddy’s being, shaped how she viewed the world and dominated the parenting of her five children. No-one was going to hurt her kids like she had been hurt – she became fixated on keeping them safe. “I’d have to set out all these structures andContinue Reading Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact. This includes sexual contact made by opportunity (e.g. you were intoxicated and could not say no), coercion, intimidation, threats or the use of force. It is important to remember that sexual assault takes many forms, some of which do not involve penetration.Continue Reading via @medical_xpress — MaleSurvivor (@MaleSurvivorORG) October 3, 2018 This has prompted the researchers to advocate for investigation of childhood abuse claims made by people who come forward as adults. “Time alone should not be a bar to hearing evidence about prior sexual assault,” said FIU legal psychologist Deborah Goldfarb,Continue Reading

On March 1, 2013 the @washingtonpost published an article about survivors of clergy abuse. Here's the image the newspaper lead with. It represented all survivors.There's no need to forget that anyone can be a victim and anyone a perpetrator. — MaleSurvivor (@MaleSurvivorORG) October 4, 2018Continue Reading