Stop right there. Why our experts say the donut is 1 of the WORST "breakfast" foods ➡️ — Cleveland Clinic (@ClevelandClinic) October 1, 2015 3. Flavored non-dairy creamer: A coffee disaster If you think non-dairy creamer is a healthy option, think again. Many non-dairy creamers simply swap saturatedContinue Reading

Suppressing truth and urination: Study uncovers a bizarre way to become a better liar — (@PsyPost) September 29, 2015 In the study, which will soon be in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, psychologists found that people lie more convincingly when they need to pee. The connection betweenContinue Reading

Porn addiction can hamper mental health Shared from Google News & Weather The researchers found that those who believed they had an addiction to pornography also experienced psychological issues, like depression, anger, and anxiety. However, this was not a result of watching porn itself, but rather it was aContinue Reading Since 2012, when the app Headspace launched (“a gym membership for the mind”), it’s been downloaded by 3 million users at £7.95 a month. At the end of September, the Barbican debuts the first “mindfulness opera”, an immersive four-hour performance that includes a gentle yoga session. As mindfulness becomesContinue Reading “I went to Bosnia in 1995. When I got home I was a veteran. I was younger than my grandfather was when he returned from World War II. “The perception that a veteran is someone old is incorrect.” Mr Compain said older vets suffered physical injuries but these days,Continue Reading

The dark truths on why some women sexually abuse children. — WonderWomen (@TeleWonderWomen) September 30, 2015 Forensic psychologist Nina Burrowes says the gender of female abusers often accounts for some of our shock: “I do generally believe [women sexually abusing children] happens less often than men, but itContinue Reading Many years ago my brother confronted me at a family dinner. He had overheard my conversation with my sister-in-law and observed, “You have a knack for finding a person’s Achilles’ Heel.” Without delving into specifics, I admit that I wasn’t aware of this nasty habit. And I realized thatContinue Reading Dame Tariana said she would write to the Immigration Minister in support of Brown. But her comments have dismayed Tiaria Fletcher, from Waitakere Anti-Violence Essential Services (WAVES) in west Auckland. “I’ve come away feeling very frustrated, very concerned at how within Māoridom, as a Māori woman, we continue toContinue Reading

In 1979, Dorothy Tennov, a psychologist and writer, coined the term limerence to describe the range of emotions and physical symptoms many of us feel when we fall in love, which include sweating, trembling, heart palpitations, ecstasy, agony, and acute longing. (Beyoncé knows of what she sings.) Here is aContinue Reading‘just-a-band-aid’ A Whangarei housing trust points to a desperate situation in Northland. Te Tai Tokerau Emergency Housing Trust chairperson Adrian Whale said it turned away two families a day because it did not have enough beds on offer. He said it was heartwrenching to say no. “That’s what really breaksContinue Reading